
TECFEST Business Plan Competition is an annual competition held by the entrepreneur student unit (TEC or Techno Entrepreneur Club) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). This is a group-based competition. My other two friends and I came up with a business plan idea of creating a digital online platform in a form of website that provide service to market the products of the students who participate in a science project olympiad in order to have a market value in the society. Initially, we submit Business Model Canvas for then the participants are being filtered into top 10 project ideas. Afterwards, we present our proposal in a 5 minute pitching in front of the judges.

The website is called UrProject, from this website the students will have the chance to meet potential investors who can help them in continuing the realization of their project. What actually aspires us to propose this business idea is because we came from the same background. In high school, we participated a science project competition and we met other bunch of talented students with their own science project. We found out after all of us finished participating in it, the project would just be left behind and abandoned. Whereas, we felt like this is something wrong that needs to be fixed because those projects will someday be helpful for this country.